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Gérard Bertrand: Proud Sponsor of WI&NE Occitanie

26 February 2022

10 February 2022, Narbonne – All WI&NE Occitanie members were honored to participate in their chapter launch event at Château de l’Hospitalet with Gérard Bertrand, the proud sponsor of the new association chapter. 

Under the Languedoc early spring sun, WI&NE Occitanie organized its first monthly luncheon to set in motion its activity in this historic wine region officially. For the occasion, one of the South of France vineyard icons, Gérard Bertrand, WI&NE Occitanie sponsor, graciously hosted the event at his wine estate, Château de l’Hospitalet, where the association members had the pleasure to meet him.

WI&NE Occitanie: The Reason Behind It All

Although initially a Bordeaux-based association, WI&NE has always had a national and international vocation. After the Gironde capital and the vast Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, WI&NE is progressively expanding towards the South-East, namely in Occitanie.

Today, Occitanie is the largest wine-producing region worldwide in terms of surface area and counts for 5% of the world’s production. Beyond its size, this region’s terroir constitutes an extraordinary mosaic of soils, subsoils, climates, and grape varieties. Offering a wide range of wines in all three colors – white, red, and rosé – Occitanie attracts progressively more investors, whether on historic properties or contemporized estates. Moreover, the constant qualitative progression of the last decades makes it an extremely dynamic playing field. More affordable than elsewhere, wine investment projects with tremendous potential are multiplying in this region.

This geographical extension deeply roots WI&NE as the true specialist in France’s wines & spirits sector, with a network of experts spread throughout the territory. But as each region remains unique, WI&NE key experts have a strong mastery of their specific geographical area and terroirs.

WI&NE Occitanie will be co-chaired by Céline Baillet, an Industrial Property Consultant at Inlex, and Olivier Deweerdt, a Winery Insurance Expert at AXA MCD Assurances.

Article translated FR>EN by:

Nathalie Parent Dumoulin, Translator, NEXT EDITION, WI&NE Nouvelle-Aquitaine

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